
Proverbs 19:20 Listen To Counsel - Digital Single

(2 customer reviews)


SKU: be6be7c63710 Category:

This song comes from Church Resource Kit 9 Wisdom - check it out

When you combine auditory (singing), visual (lyric videos), and kinesthetic (hand motions) learning, you get up to 98% retention. This song will help you build a foundation of praise, worship, and scripture memory at the same time!

Proverbs 19:20 (NKJV) “Listen to counsel and receive instruction, that you may be wise in your latter days.”

$15.00 Gets you 4 MP4 video files, 2 MP3 audio files, and 2 PDF print files.

This is a digital download product. No physical disks will be shipped for this item.

Leader Training Videos

  • Hand Motion Tutorial – Learn the moves while our choreographer explains all the motions slowly
  • Hand Motion Demonstration – Practice your motions in real time with one of our teen worship leaders

HD Worship Leading Videos and Audio Files

  • Full Mix Lyric Video and Audio File- Use this to lead worship and sing along with JumpStart3!
  • Performance Track Lyric Video and Audio File – Use this to lead worship while you provide the vocals! This is perfect for your choir or for scripture karaoke!

PDF Lyric sheets and Chord charts

  • Use the chord charts to perform these songs with your worship band!
  • Lyric sheets make it easy to create transparencies.
Play Sample Audio

2 reviews for Proverbs 19:20 Listen To Counsel - Digital Single

  1. Jessica

    Such FUN!!

  2. Linda Ann

    I was asked to meet my Bible Study Teacher. I prayed for the meeting and knew what it was about.

    I was corrected for an entire hour. I finally strongly suggested that she quick chewing on me. We ended our meeting. I was upset.

    I thought, "How dare her? Then I prayed. The Holy Spirit told me, "She has wisdom beyond her years. Think about listening."

    So, I started researching "Listening to Wise Counsel". Many verses came up, but this was the one that kept coming in loud and clear. Then, your Church sang.

    The lady before me on June 4, 2019 stated "Such FUN!!" Not only is it Fun, it's worth so much to me. I've read Proverbs 19:20 many times, but now I won't forget to listen."

    Thank you
    Linda Ann

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